I'm taking a break from wedding planning to

write a post about thursday. I've got pictures. I took lady out and rode her in her over fleeced bridle. I decided I'm not riding her until she stops limping. No matter how much she likes going out. The problem is that when she acts up I dont know whether its because she's a horse or because she's in pain. So there you have it.
Jerry was having a lesson with Robert and Imp. He needs all the practice he can get before the wedding.
I took star out to do trot poles. Robert said this is a really good way to get her to develop her hind end and to help her learn to balance. Alyssa took pictures. I started her out over a single pole, then we worked up to actually trotting the poles. She did really well. Sometimes I messed her up by putting her in the wrong place over the poles. She wasn't really very pleased by that but she got over it. After doing some pole work Alyssa wanted a

picture of Star doing her stuff on the lunge line. Her stuff can be pretty spectacular but not always in a good way. I dont think you will ever see a less balanced horse that hasn't toppled over yet. For the record I did nothing to provoke this except ask for a canter. She was cantering reasonably nicely but then she just turned on the gas and away she went!

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