Ok, I've posted this picture before but I wanted to re-post it because Star is doing a dressage test, God willing, on the 6th of September. Its a reasonably simple test to memorize. The letters are difficult to remember but I can see the diagram in my mind, and I think that will help a lot. I still think it would be nice to memorize the letters in case I get disoriented.
I havent done anything with Star because I've been sick but the next two weeks are looking pretty clear for me so we are doing lots and lots of circles. I'm going to set up two 20 m circles with cones that way I can mix things up a little bit so she doesn't get too terribly sick of circles. (She hates circles anyway but no reason to make things worse.)
Dark Blue=medium walk
Turquoise =free walk
Red= working trot
In non-test stuff but in preparation for the show itself there are some things that need doing.
I need to get Star used to the trailer divider closing her in.
We need to trailer her around the farm. We wont take her anywhere, just put her in, drive and then take her out. Maybe drive her to a turnout and then turn her out and then drive her back. Something small anyway.
We need to get her used to the idea that kicking other horses will NOT be tolerated. The plan there is to walk her alongside a slightly less volatile horse. When she does something stupid, we start cantering little circles. Then we go back to walking alongside the nice horsey. I think we can start with Keno and then try Papillon. I'd throw Lady into the mix but Lady tends to be aggressive herself. Not sure if thats a good plan.
It would be really nice if we could get Xserena or someone in the mix also. Alyssa could get BJ out. Star isn't above picking on the little guy, plus he's a pretty good trail horse so we can work both in and outside of the arena. Hmmm, maybe Spot, the little ranch trained Appy guy, I'll bet he is just dead broke and wont bat an eye when Star goes cantering off in a little circle.
I dont know what to do about the free walk. I think fatigue helps with that one a little but she's going to be so tense in that arena (I predict) that its just going to be a disaster. Oh well.
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