I think I might have a problem.
Currently I have a Keno and a Star bridle in my possession, returned upon the next visit to Stoneybrook (Thursday).
I arrived just in time to miss cute pony, but did meet nice people who owned cute pony. At least I theorize it's a cute pony- I never actually saw said pony. But it's a pony. Robert and I sat down and chatted about our mutual realization that me trying to do two horses would be madness all round. Robert suggested that, if we don't have a better idea and if Vic's stuff is all moved out, we could stay in his old trailer Friday night.
Robert also suggested we longline Keno to help him come through his back. He also added side reins! There was really a huge difference, Keno was pretty upset about it all but his only forms of rebellion on the long lines are going very slow, and not wanting to halt.
The minis had gotten there, so I harnessed up Pepper and helped them get attached to the cart, then I went off and finished feed and put my splint boots on Keno. It was cute. Reno and Star were absolutely convinced that he was getting treats (absorbed through his feet, I guess), and Star was very upset. Reno alternated doing cute things and trying to bite Keno through the bars. Keno was also convinced he was going to be getting treats, and was disgruntled when surprise! He was getting ridden instead. Minis were still in the arena so we worked in the small outside one.
Robert told us that we should warm up for twenty, thirty minutes before we came in, so we did that. I let him go through walk trot and canter on a loose rein, and then started trying to collect him when he was cantering freely. I don't know what part worked the best- whether it was the extensive warm-up, the long-lining, the side reins, or what- but he was really nice to ride. We really got our canter together for the first time in a while. So much so that I kind of forgot how long we cantered. I felt him really stepping up behind (it took me until just now to figure out that was what that was, actually) and let him walk, and looked. Oh hey, he's sweaty. And oh hey, I'm also overheated. We did a little bit of trot in frame and then walked. I got off and got a drink of water, and led him to his stall to see if he wanted something. Sometime between getting on the horse and getting off the horse, it had gotten warm and sunny, and neither of us were prepared for it.
I have to say I really, really like the flash on Keno. Normally he's busy chomping away on his bit, expressing his displeasure with the world, but now he can't!
Robert was likewise impressed with Keno and I. The only thing I'm going to try and work on in the course of riding on Thursday is his tendency to jig when I pick up the reins after a long walk. Keno was very tired and placidly followed us around the ring, occasionally sighing. I asked Robert to set up a small crossrail and we trotted over it twice. Both times were pretty relaxed and he came right back to me afterwards, so I said we were done. I was really happy with him.
I talked to Cari and she said we could do one horse each, so I picked Keno and I figured you'd pick Star, Gillian. Thus I am cleaning those bridles, I think we can do saddles on Thursday (or Friday) if we want to- many fewer pieces.
I'm excited for Saturday, not least because Cari is getting a 13.1 Welsh mare in for Avalon to try out. I *generously* offered to ride her if Cari was uncomfortable doing so, because Cari is pretty big for that sized pony and she'll probably still be a little hot for Avalon.
Also I want pretty ribbons. Robert said he'd give me the one Reno and I won at the Fair, since Gloria never got to receive them, and I'll get one from Cari too. I think Keno and I will do the cross rail division because otherwise there will only be one team entered, and they'll be bumped down because there's no point in having one team in a division. Even if it turns into a mess, we can stop and it'll all be okay.
1 comment:
yay purdy ribbons, yay collection. You've done amazing things with that boy. I'm thinking about having star do the trot poles. She's pretty good at them in-hand, maybe I'll ask her to do some on thursday or friday and see.
I'm really glad carry is putting on this show. I think it might inspire Robert to have more. Maybe we should try to learn how to run a show. At least, I should learn how to run a show, since I have more time.
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