Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Putting the bar so low even Colonel could do it

So Saturday I tried to see if I could plan a day so easy even Colonel couldn't screw it up. We tacked up, went into the arena, walked once around to the left, twice around to the right (the first trip around wasn't very good) and I got off. We stood around for a while before going back. Its my latest gimmic, I'm thinking maybe if there is a delay between the ride being over and actually going home maybe he wont get so antsy about getting the ride over with. Delayed gratification and whatnot. Even though it was a brutally easy exercise, I'm still pleased because there was a time when I couldn't get four walk strides out of him if he hadn't been lunged pretty well first.

He's a little thrushy on his left fore so I think he might get some hand walking in the near future. We havent been beyond the creek in a while. I think it really helps him build confidence to go out there and just commune with the scary scary world.

Rode Star bareback in the arena with Luca. Star was pretty interested in Luca, especially when he was in front of us. She had lots and lots of forward though, which was nice. We worked some more on long and low, and me on my position and especially RELAXING my shoulders. I think I was a turtle in a past life, the moment I feel a little out of balance, (or a lot out of balance) head goes down, shoulders come up and I'm protected from the world, right?

When she goes ahead and relaxes her back she is a really nice ride. I think she's figured out too that when she relaxes her back I dont bounce up onto her neck the way I do when she hollows her back and starts rushing and generally fussing. Who knows, we may be able to work out some kind of deal there. It is disconcerting how easily she could just tip me off the side if she wanted to. If she does tip me off one of these days, I'm going to work the tar out of her though. I think she may realize this.

Also, looking into getting a saddle that might fit her. Damn arab shoulders.

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