Monday, May 3, 2010

Banishing the blahs

Ok, I'm starting to feel pretty good about how things are going. I'm still sore from riding a few to many horses. Funny how we'll take care to keep the horses from getting too sore but ourselves, meh. Anyway, Star is slowly slowly starting to straighten out at the trot. She is one crooked horse. Even her fat distribution is crooked. Papillon is getting stronger I think, but I'm taking it slow with lots of hand walking before riding. Colonel and Lady still need more attention. Lady is ready to start her strength training too. Lots and lots of walking. Probably warm her up with handwalking also. It really helps when they start feeling good and therefore start feeling like trotting, if I'm on the ground I can put a swift stop to it without causing any trouble with their mouth.

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